Lewis Rice LLC

International Lawyers Network Members

International Lawyers Network Members

With over 150 lawyers practicing in all of the major legal specialty areas, Lewis Rice LLC is one of the leading regional law firms in the Midwest.

Founded in 1909, Lewis Rice is proud to have served its communities for more than a century. The Firm enjoys a strong historical foundation and reputation, as well as the size and resources to serve the demanding and ever-changing needs of today’s business community.

Their attorneys come from diverse educational, social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. Their lawyers are graduates of over 30 different law schools and over 70 different colleges and universities. They believe that this diversity is one of their principal strengths; it brings a healthy variety of perspectives and approaches to their clients’ diverse and dynamic legal needs.

Their practice is not dependent for its financial stability upon any individual company, group of companies, or industry concentration. They serve as counsel to a broad range of local, regional, and national businesses as well as individuals. Their clients include banking organizations, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, publishers and broadcasters, municipalities, maritime firms, real estate brokers and developers, insurance companies, health care providers, and service and professional firms, among others. They maintain a number of practice groups to serve the diverse needs of their clients.

They maintain four offices in the St. Louis area: in downtown, suburban Town & Country, Washington, Missouri, and Belleville, Illinois, and two offices in the Kansas City area: in downtown and suburban Overland Park, Kansas, as well as an office in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Firm Contacts :

Richard B. Walsh
Richard B. Walsh

email : Send e-mail
telephone : 314 444 7722

Practice Groups:
Alcohol Distribution, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Antitrust, Securities, Environmental, Chemical & Toxic Tort

ILN Specialty Groups:
Energy, Intellectual Property, Litigation

Michael J. Hickey
Michael J. Hickey

email : Send e-mail
telephone : (314) 444-7630

Practice Groups:
Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Technology Licensing, Commercial Litigation, Appellate Litigation

Office Locations

Office Contact

Office Contact

St. Louis, Missouri
(Main Location)

600 Washington
Suite 2500
St. Louis, Missouri 63101 USA

Telephone: 314 444 7600

Overland Park, Kansas

7015 College Blvd., Suite 135
Overland Park, Kansas 66211 USA

Telephone: 913 381 8898

St. Louis, Missouri

12935 North Outer Forty, Suite 210
St. Louis, Missouri 63141 USA

Telephone: 314 439 5169

Edwardsville, Illinois

239 North Main Street,
Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 USA

Telephone: (618) 692-8209

Kansas City, Missouri

1010 Walnut, Suite 500
Kansas City, Missouri 64106 USA

Telephone: 816 421 2500

Partners Practice Groups E-mail Telephone
Richard B. Walsh Alcohol Distribution, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Antitrust, Securities, Environmental, Chemical & Toxic Tort Send e-mail 314 444 7722 Download V-card
Michael J. Hickey Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Technology Licensing, Commercial Litigation, Appellate Litigation Send e-mail (314) 444-7630 Download V-card
Thomas C. Erb Mergers & Acquisitions, Securities, Banking & Financial, Corporate Send e-mail 314 444 7613 Download V-card
Charlie Miller Closely Held Businesses, Partnerships & Joint Ventures, Municipal Law, Zoning & Finance, Construction Law, Commercial Litigation, Banking & Financial, Real Estate Send e-mail 913-472-2512 Download V-card
Robert Tormohlen Appellate Litigation, Business Finance, Restructuring & Workouts, Commercial Litigation, Insurance, Labor & Employment, Products Liability Send e-mail 913-472-2507 Download V-card
Stanley Johnston Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Closely Held Businesses, Partnerships & Joint Ventures, Taxation, Business & Corporate Finance, Information Technology, Securities Send e-mail 913-472-2530 Download V-card

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