We are a diverse and highly qualified team of lawyers, who understand our profession by giving the most trustworthy advice to our clients and provide that extra mile in all we accomplish.
Although the world is confronting many challenges, our Firm is convinced that there is always room for people to deliver their best, work passionately, and excel in all perspectives. Since we work with the most prestigious international law firms, financial institutions, and corporations, we are accustomed to performing at the highest standards.
The Firm embraces diversity, sharpness, and meritocracy.
Diversity is acknowledged as a key aspect of our organization so that we can constantly create, adapt, and innovate. We are a firm that has enough room and flexibility to attract the most talented local and international lawyers. Our team, no matter race, religion, or gender, allows us to solve challenging problems for our demanding clients.
Each of us comes from the most prestigious universities in Chile and some from the best universities in the world. All of us had the opportunity to learn from the most qualified professors and mentors, which played an essential role in shaping us. We belong to a longstanding legal tradition in a country in which the rule of law embodies a crucial part. A culture of judges and courts of appeals throughout the country, important law schools, a laborious Supreme Court, a bar association, statutes that embrace our roots in European continental law, as well as concepts from Anglosaxon countries.
At the Firm, clients, almost evenly divided between domestic and foreign entities, are large multinational companies, other blue-chip local entities, family offices, investment funds, and entrepreneurs. We recognize them not “just as clients” but as our “business partners.”
We understand that we are part of a community, connected with its public policy matters and challenges as a country and region. Our lawyers spend a significant amount of time on pro bono work for educational, charitable, and cultural institutions, and people in need. The Firm encourages its members to continue learning, teaching at universities, living and working abroad, and contributing back to our community.
In addition to being thankful for our work, we feel a great sense of satisfaction on every email we compose, every contract we execute, every occasion to mentor one of our colleagues, and every opportunity to solve complex problems and interact with exceptional people.
Time and again, we are called upon as business advisors too. Since our local regulatory framework allows it, we are part of several boards of directors of local and international corporations conducting business in Chile. We are sensible not only to legal issues but also to business matters, crisis management, and other related areas. We understand that we ought to advise and guide our clients in their efforts to succeed.
As a modern firm of talented people with tremendous respect for traditions, we are determined to evolve as an organization. Remote access, knowledge management, and artificial intelligence are key drivers to delivering a more efficient service to our clients.
PAGBAM | SCHWENCKE Chile embodies our roots and efforts. We feel grateful and obliged to be carriers of such tradition. The Firm combines a unique diversity of expertise, cross-border professional and personal experience, outstanding professional judgment, and the capability to adapt and thrive.
We are committed to excelling in everything we do.