Embracing Vulnerability: The Heart of Authentic Leadership

Immediately, I feel like I’ve lost all of our senior lawyers with this title, but please do bear with me – I know you know I sometimes like to write “touchy-feely” posts and frankly, they’re necessary in the legal industry. And these days, more than ever.


Well, vulnerability is an underestimated power. Leadership isn’t just about being in charge and making strategic decisions. It’s about cultivating a profound connection with your team, clients, and peers. And vulnerability is the key that unlocks the door to this meaningful connection.


Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Lorna Patajo-Kapunan, Kapunan & Castillo

Lorna Patajo-Kapunan is the founder of Kapunan & Castillo, a full-service law firm with extensive experience in varied areas of law, and a member of the International Lawyers Network. In this episode, Lorna returns as a guest to discuss the impact of the pandemic on women in general and the Philippines in particular, how technology is shaping the next generation of lawyers, and her philosophy of “20 Hugs a Day.”

You can listen to the podcast here, or we’ve provided a transcript of the highlights below.


Client Centricity in Practice – Part One

We recently held the ILN’s Annual Conference in Rio de Janeiro, and as part of the business sessions, our host firm, KLA Advogados, invited one of their clients to speak about “Client Centricity in Practice.” It was an opportunity to have an interactive discussion with the attendees about questions that they had for our client panelist, who was open and honest about what he looks for in his outside counsel and touched on some hot issues. The session was moderated by Melissa Kanô and Alexandre Pessoa of KLA Advogados, who were joined by Waldemar Thiago Junior, Vice President, Managing Director of Brazil for General Mills. Read more…

Do we Deserve to Thrive…and not just Survive…at Work?

I’m fresh off of a 12-day whirlwind business trip.

I traveled 14,983 miles over 19 flights and 1 bus trip. I visited six countries (while transiting through a total of 11 countries). I didn’t get very much sleep or eat nearly enough. But I certainly accomplished the goals that I set out to when I planned this trip, even if I might not organize six flights for one day the next time around.

More than one person asked me if I had plans for time off when I returned, and while I took Monday off, I joked that there’s “no rest for the wicked” because we’re in the crunch period of the end of the year with a lot to accomplish before 2022 ends and for better or worse, all of that falls to yours truly. (more…)